The Camillian identity of the Institute

The Camillian Identity of the institute in the “Decretum Laudis” *From “Fino al dono della Vita“- Sr. Riccarda Lazzari, MI On 23 March 1852, the Apostolic See issued the “Decretum Laudis” for the institute of Maria Domenica. This is obviously not the pontifical approval of the Rules and of the Congregation, as the Mother desired, …


” When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they …


Sr. Riccarda Lazzari Visiting means: to get out of oneself, out of one’s selfishness, out of one’s interests to go toward someone, toward the God hidden in the other, the sick, the poor, and the needy. The model is Mary, the Virgin of the Visitation. The Virgin leaves her home, her belongings, her commitments, and …

Lighting the lamp of faith and brightening up the flame of love

On August 15, 1999, Sr. Bernardita Otibar made her first profession of religious vows. This 25th anniversary of the Religious Profession of Vows celebration means two essential things: God’s faithfulness in His call and the loving response to His call. For these 25 years, our dear Sr. Didith made a long and challenging journey full …

In loving memory of Sr. Natalia Delci Klau

(1978 – 2023) Sr. Natalia Delci Klau, fondly called Sr. Delci, is the eldest of the four children of Balthazar Klau and Hedwig Maria Muti. She was born in Tini, Atambua, Indonesia on 14 December 1978. She was baptized on 04 March 1979, received the First Communion on 25 November 1989, and was confirmed on …