by Sr. Natividad Mesa, MI
Sr. Rosanna Boseggia has passed away in the Lord at the age of 94 years on January 06, 2022, at 14.00 in Casa Betania in Lucca. On the solemnity of Epiphany, she entered into the joy of Paradise to contemplate in fullness the glory of the Lord whom she served with so much passion, generosity, and joy during her life. A sister who leaves beautiful memories in our hearts.
Today we are honoring, celebrating, and remembering Sr. Rosanna Bossegia. She was a woman of grace and courage. Her love and kindness were infused in everything she did -whether she was sewing in the wardrobe, cooking, or taking care of the sick.
She had a magical way of bringing joy every time she walked into the community room. No one who met her could forget her smile. And I’ll never forget the advice and the lessons she taught me. Her wisdom in taking care of the sick and love for Filipinos even in Italy as she goes around biking to help the Filipino migrant workers in Viareggio. She will truly be remembered forever.
Thank you Sr. Rosanna!!!
Sr. Rosanna was a sister who set a lasting impression on everyone she met. Her deep laugh and kind eyes warmed the room and brought life into the most boring daily activities. Sr. Rosanna loved spending time with the young sisters because she said that it made him feel young at heart.
She was a great missionary and a dependable sister in the community. Her advice and guidance will continue to carry me through the joys and challenges that life has to offer. She might have been a little shy at the first introduction to strangers but once she warmed up to a friendship, she always had plenty to say every time she talked. She loved to share stories from her time working as a Nurse in Italy, her missionary works in Taiwan, in the Philippines she had a beautiful gift of making everyone feel like the most important person in the world. She never complained; just worked hard and supported her family and community at all times. Despite the personal challenges, she always looked outside of herself – which is why she will be remembered as a beacon of light.
Sr. Rosanna made a difference in the lives of hundreds of sick people over the years, and her kindness and positivity will leave an unwavering legacy in our Camillian community.