Vision of the Camillian Sisters
We, the Sister Minister of the Infirm in the Philippines,
envision the Sick and the handicapped, most especially the destitute and the abandoned,
experiencing healing, love, and fullness of life,
the aged and the dying
experiencing genuine care and peacefully facing death.

Our mission as Sister Ministers of the Infirm of St. Camillus is outlined completely by our Foundress, Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini, in these simple phrases: “Visiting, assisting, serving a God-mademan, agonizing in the garden, or dying on the cross (…) always ready to risk one’s life for the love of Jesus (…) united in charity”.
We are consecrated women who, following the charism of Maria Domenica, dedicate ourselves unconditionally to the service of the sick, by visiting, assisting, and serving the sick of all ages, the poor, the abandoned, and the dying, extending hospitality to them, listening to them, and comforting them.
Through our life and our apostolic works, we want to be near to the crosses of the men and women of today and witness merciful love and tenderness to the world, offering a perspective of hope in facing the painful situations of life.
The distinguishing characteristic of our actions is compassion which transforms the technical, operational, and material deeds into effective actions which communicate love, instill courage, heal the body, and get to the heart of the sick person.
Attentive to the signs of the times, we mainly express our mission through:
- the exercise of health and social care professions, taking care of the person holistically in public and private institutions and in homes where the need is real and urgent;
- the spiritual and pastoral assistance of the sick and their family members;
- the training of health care and pastoral workers and volunteers.
- the humanization of the world of health care.
We work in collaboration with laypeople to defend every person’s dignity and sacredness and promote and protect life from conception until natural death.
We live in community, building unity and communion among us, in harmony, peace, joy, and mutual love, thus contributing to the building up of a sense of belonging.
Similarly, we commit ourselves to generating mutual communion in our workplace and in the exercise of the mission.